IMC-13 & COVID-19 Update

Dear colleagues,

We know that many of you – like us – are dealing with unexpected and significant changes necessitated by efforts to control the COVID-19 virus. None of us can predict exactly how things will play out over the course of the coming year.

For the moment, planning for IMC-13 is continuing with the expectation that we will be able to meet and enjoy an exciting week together in July 2021. That expectation may change as the year progresses, restrictions on travel and social interactions change, and the organizers for the congress are faced with critical financial deadlines. Please check this space for updates as we move forward.

Currently, the call for proposals for symposia and workshops for IMC-13 is open, with a submission deadline of 1 May 2020. There is no cost to submitting a proposal and thus we hope that many of you are feeling optimistic about the coming year and will submit ideas for symposia and workshops to take place in Anchorage in 2021.

Wishing everyone the best during these challenging times.


Eileen A. Lacey, President
International Federation of Mammalogists

Douglas A. Kelt, President
American Society of Mammalogists